Home Source Phoenix Wide Chest 6 Drawer Storage Unit Oak Effect Description:
In a classic 3+3 side-by-side design this Phoenix 6 Drawer Wide Chest of Drawers holds all your folded clothes and bedding as it has an enormous amount of storage space.
Remember it also has a large surface area on top too for displaying your favourite photos or perhaps for a TV.
It gives your bedroom a dramatic and luxurious look as it has an on trend finish, but even better it is scratch resistant.
For the final flourish, you can enjoy a lie in, even if you partner gets up in the morning before you, because the drawers have metal runners that run so smoothly and quietly.
Available in black, white, grey and oak colour finishes.
Home Source Phoenix Wide Chest 6 Drawer Storage Unit Oak Effect can be found in Chest of Drawers and is sold by The Range
Additional size / colour options available for this product:
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