Kyst Lounge Chair With Cushion Fabric Group 2 Ottoman With Cushion Fabric Group 2 Description:
The kyst lounge chair is a lower and more relaxed variant of the dining chair.
It is stackable with comfortable, removable cushions.
The lounge chair's expression can easily be transformed through a wide range of fabrics and leather.
Upholstery Options: This item is available in many fabric / leather options.
The most popular fabric choices are shown below - please click on the links for swatch images.
We can also offer customer's own material.
For expert advice, fabric samples and technical support please email sales@hollowaysofludlow.
com Fabric Group 1: Haust Fabric Group 2: Fiber Fabric Group 3: Kjellvik, Remix 2 Fabric Group 4: Re-wool Leather Group 5: Optimo Leather Group 6: Vintage
Kyst Lounge Chair With Cushion Fabric Group 2 Ottoman With Cushion Fabric Group 2 can be found in Cushions and is sold by Holloways Of Ludlow
Additional size / colour options available for this product:
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