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10 mistakes new homeowners make when buying furniture

Are you a new homeowner? Ready to jump into buying furniture for your new home. Here are the top ten mistakes you need to avoid.

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Buying furniture for your home can be overwhelming. And when you're a new homeowner, it can be hard to know where to start and how to deal with the whole entire process. About two and a half years ago, I moved into my very first home, and I was a brand new homeowner.

We've gone through the process of fully furnishing our new home. And I've learned a lot through the whole thing. And today I'm going to share with you the top ten mistakes that you need to avoid when you're buying furniture.

Buying Cheap Furniture

Mistake number one is going too cheap. When you have a whole entire house to fill, it can be easy to get into the idea that just buying cheap furniture is the best way to make sure that you can fully furnish your house. And I think that this is the wrong way to go. I think that people get into this mindset because.

1) The house is empty and they feel like they have to get things taken care of right away.
2) They know that there is so much furniture that needs to be purchased. That they just think that buying the cheap option is the best fix.

But cheap furniture is cheap for a reason. It doesn't last. If you take the time to find quality pieces of furniture and take your time buying it, then you'll have, nice quality furniture that will last you for years and houses to come. Don't just think about this house. This might not be your final house. Think about things that are going to last you for years and into other homes.

Choosing the right colour palette

Mistake number Two is not following a colour palette. Having a colour palette is one of the most important steps when decorating your home. It can help you create a theme that is cohesive and flows from room to room. When you start buying furniture without thinking about a colour palette for your home, then you are much more likely to end up with pieces that are disjointed and don't look like they go together throughout your home.

Buying the wrong size furniture

Mistake number three is buying the wrong size of furniture. So if you're coming from an apartment or flat, you're probably coming from a lot smaller square footage. Whenever you move into your home, it can be easy to think that what fit and looks good in your apartment is going to fit and look good in your house. And that's usually not the case because especially in open concept homes, you're going to have more space that you're going to need to fill, so don't just jump to the type of furniture that you are used to buying for your apartment. You really need to take a good look at your room and figure out the type and the amount of furniture that you're going to need.

In some cases, like for me, the couches that I had in our apartment were totally fine, but I just had to add additional furniture to my living room to fit this base. Now some people go on the opposite end of the spectrum and buy items that are way too big, too big for the space. So you really need to have an idea of how much space you have in your home or whatever room that you are furnishing. And that goes along with the next mistake that people make. And it's not measuring.

Not measuring your rooms

You have got to measure your room before you start buying or shopping for furniture so that you know how much space that you have. This will help you with the last mistake so that you don't buy furniture that is too small or too big for your space. Sometimes it can feel a lot easier to just rush off to the store and start shopping.

I have made this mistake so many times. I love shopping and so I hate to take the time to measure and I can't tell you how many times that that has been a big mistake for me. I get something home and it's too big or it's too small or it doesn't fit. So save yourself the time ahead of time by not having to return the furniture and measure ahead of time and write it down because you might not be buying your furniture or finding the furniture that you like that day. Keep a note in your phone with the different measurements for your different rooms. That way, whenever you are out shopping or browsing online, you have the measurements for each room readily available

Following furniture trends

Mistake number Five is going to trendy. It can be very easy to get caught up in the trendy style of the moment. And while you do want to have trendy furniture in your home that you like and you enjoy because it's the style that you enjoy. Going with all furniture of the same trendy style is a mistake if every piece of furniture that you own is super trendy right now. It's eventually going to go out of style. And it will probably all go out of style at the same time meaning that then you'll have to spend more money in the long run by replacing it with the next trendy style mistake.

Buying furniture from the same store

Number Six is buying everything at the same store. If you buy all your furniture at the same store, you're bound to run into a couple different issues. Number one, everything might be a little too matchy matchy while you do want the furniture in your home to have a cohesive feel, you don't want it all to look exactly the same and that's what can happen if you buy everything from the same store. Another thing that can happen if you do this is you might end up spending more money because you are not shopping around to find the best deals.


Mistake number seven is allowing the salesperson to talk you into something that's not right for you. Salespeople are very convincing that's their job. Don't let them talk you into something that you don't really like or is not really right for your home. You need to take the time and think about it.

Get a card from them. Tell them that you will call them back once you think about it and make a decision that way you don't make it high pressure decision right there in the moment in the store.

Take advantage of furniture sales

Mistake number Eight is not looking for sales. It can be very easy to get caught up in the idea that you need to buy everything right now, especially if you find something that you like. But lots of furniture stores have lots of different sales throughout the year. So go shopping and find what you like and then you can wait for a sale. Oftentimes furniture stores have sales around the big holidays. But holidays like Black Friday, Easter and Christmas are also really great holidays to find good sales at as well. And you can even ask your salesperson to contact you when there is going to be a sale. That way you get notice a bit ahead of time.

Furniture delivery can take time

Mistake number nine is not considering delivery. Lots of furniture stores have warehouses where they keep all of their furniture and it's going to take time for them to ship and deliver the item to your home.

And sometimes they might not have the furniture choice that you made in the warehouse, and you'll have to wait for it to go through production. So keep this in mind. Whenever you are buying furniture. We made this mistake with our dining room table. When we moved into the house, we did not have a dining room table. We decided to host Christmas and we thought that we could just go into this furniture store in the beginning of November, buy the dining room table and have it in time, that was not the case. It took well into December before we even got the dining room table. So make sure that you plan ahead with delivery.

The other thing that you need to consider with delivery is the cost. So that is going to be an added cost on top of the cost of the furniture. To get the item delivered to your home. In some cases, you might be able to go to the store to pick up the furniture if it's something small and you have the means to move it and a vehicle to put it in. But in most cases you're going to end up paying for delivery as well.

Patience is key

Mistake number Ten is feeling like you have to buy everything right now. That is a great way to break your budget and get you feeling overwhelmed. Take your time figuring out what you like, finding what you really want and choosing the right furniture for your home. Enjoy the process of finding your style and creating a home you love.

And that’s it! I hope that this helps out anyone who is a new homeowner looking to buy furniture for their first home or in fact anyone else for that matter.

Thanks for reading and enjoy buying your new furniture

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