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furnish well > Living Room > Armchairs > Leather Armchairs > British Chesterfield Sofas Leather Armchairs > Aviator Aviation Swivel Armchair Aluminium Vintage Tan Distressed Real Leather
£35 OFF
Aviator Aviation Swivel Armchair Aluminium Vintage Tan Distressed Real Leather

Aviator Aviation Swivel Armchair Aluminium Vintage Tan Distressed Real Leather

Discount Code: £35 OFF at British Chesterfield Sofas
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Available for purchase from our friends at: British Chesterfield Sofas

Reasons to buy from British Chesterfield Sofas:

Aviator Aviation Swivel Armchair Aluminium Vintage Tan Distressed Real Leather Description:

<p>From the UK’s leading vintage leather furniture Stocklist</p> <p>Bringing you back to the swinging 60's, the industrial-style egg chair is a highly unique, collectable and memorable piece of furniture that is sure to dominate any space.

Perfect for home or work, the aluminium panelling and exposed steel screws are inspired by reclaimed aviation parts whilst the curved egg shape is a highly sought after retro look - reminiscent of the 1960's.

With an adjustable rec
Aviator Aviation Swivel Armchair Aluminium Vintage Tan Distressed Real Leather can be found in Leather Armchairs and is sold by British Chesterfield Sofas

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