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furnish well > Living Room > Sofas > Distressed Leather Sofas > British Chesterfield Sofas Distressed Leather Sofas > Earle Handmade Chesterfield 32 Sofa Suite Distressed Nappa Grey Real Leather
£35 OFF
Earle Handmade Chesterfield 32 Sofa Suite Distressed Nappa Grey Real Leather

Earle Handmade Chesterfield 32 Sofa Suite Distressed Nappa Grey Real Leather

Discount Code: £35 OFF at British Chesterfield Sofas
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Available for purchase from our friends at: British Chesterfield Sofas

Reasons to buy from British Chesterfield Sofas:

Earle Handmade Chesterfield 32 Sofa Suite Distressed Nappa Grey Real Leather Description:

<p>From Uk's leading vintage furniture stocklist this beautiful set of sofas is available in a wide range of antique and distressed colours(Brown, Black, Tobacco, Rouge, Tan), this vintage leather Chesterfield three seater sofa is a stunning addition to any room.

Also available in a hugely popular tan leather option, we're proud to offer this sofa with the classic deep buttoned back and armrests and the stud detailing in the front.

What's more, we're pleased to offer fi
Earle Handmade Chesterfield 32 Sofa Suite Distressed Nappa Grey Real Leather can be found in Distressed Leather Sofas and is sold by British Chesterfield Sofas

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