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furnish well > Living Room > Sofas > Leather Sofas > Designer Sofas 4U Leather Sofas > Holden 321 Reclining Sofa Suite Dark Grey Fabric And Leather
5% OFF
Holden 321 Reclining Sofa Suite Dark Grey Fabric And Leather

Holden 321 Reclining Sofa Suite Dark Grey Fabric And Leather

Discount Code: 5% OFF at Designer Sofas 4U
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Available for purchase from our friends at: Designer Sofas 4U

Reasons to buy from Designer Sofas 4U:
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Holden 321 Reclining Sofa Suite Dark Grey Fabric And Leather Description:

Holden 3+2+1 Reclining Sofa Suite Dark Grey Fabric And Leather The Holden Model is a manual recliner model upholstered in Grey Dark Fabric And Leather look trim 3 Seater Sofa Dimensions :W 212cm x D 90cm x H 106cm apprx.

2 Seater Sofa Dimensions :W 155cm x D 90cm x H 106cm apprx.

1 Seater Sofa Dimensions :W 94cm x D 90cm x H 106cm apprx.

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